The new Shared Skills Library Platform provides both business and education with a shared language to define work and associated learning expectations. This will enable multi-disciplinary partners to align the curriculum with, and develop course materials that are more relevant and responsive to employers’ needs. Workforce professionals also can use the new Shared Skills Library Platform in building career development and referral strategies around what job-seekers know and can do. By depicting shared language across all the occupations to which they apply, the new skills library facilitates more granular transferable skills analysis for more efficient re-employment of dislocated and trade affected workers than can be achieved using occupational title matching. Most importantly, employers can rely on the new library to guide recruiting, succession planning, in-house training or outsourcing of their human capital development.
There are many potential benefits and uses of the new Shared Skills Library Platform, which include, but are not limited to, the following:
Provides information about occupational work activities that can aid career exploration.
Provides a structure for describing work experiences for building a resume and articulating work performed in previous jobs.
The more general nature of the statements facilitates cross-occupational comparisons and helps displaced workers identify new areas of work that match their capabilities.
Helps teachers with program planning and curriculum development.
Facilitates effective communication with the educational community for developing a skilled workforce.
The shared language allows educators to use DWAs in analyzing transferable skills and skill gaps.
Can be used to determine commonalities across a group of occupations.
Development in the common or core knowledge and skills required in occupations for potential use in performance reviews, etc.
Provides a bounded, standardized structure for profiling work requirements that employers can use to write job orders or position descriptions.
Promotes the use of a common language for describing the activities that occur within occupations to serve as a basis for industry sector skill standards.
Facilitates effective communication with the business community for developing a skilled workforce.
Used as a shared language to define job openings and write job descriptions/orders.
Facilitates training program searches by learners to improve skills or generate learning plans.
Can be used in career guidance to explain the work activities associated with a given occupation and provide a realistic job preview.
Can be used to aid students in understanding where they can apply their school-based knowledge to work settings.
Could be used to provide a standard language in electronic labor exchanges to analyze transferable skills and skill gaps.
Can be used to create personalized training and development plans based on remediating skills gaps identified between workers’ current profiles and their career goals.
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Learn how C4EO's Shared Skills Language, and the applications built upon it, mark a new evolution skills based practices.